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10 essential elements of weight loss success pt. 1

1 - Mindset
You can never really tell how important a can do attitude is going to be until you have one. A real desire to achieve your goals is a powerful foundation for weight loss success. Think about what you want to achieve, and think about why you want to achieve it. Think about how high a healthy lifestyle falls on your list of priorities, and also consider what you are willing to do and change in order to make this goal a reality.

2 - Goal Setting
You need to be clear about what it is that you want to achieve, first and foremost. Make it real by writing it down. Write it in places where you can see it on a regular basis, and be precise, aiming high in the process. Break each of your long term goals into smaller, manageable chunks, and then work on each of these one at a time until the overall goals are realized. Remind yourself of what your goals are on a regular basis, and update them as needed. Keep an index card in your purse, or a post-it note on your bathroom mirror so that you can keep your mind on the prize at all times.

3 - Activity
It is important that you can increase your general level of activity in as many possible ways as you can. This is really important, because it can cover the effects of missing a regularly scheduled workout. There are people who never actually "work out", but who are still very fit because they are naturally active in their everyday lives. Use stairs instead of elevators, walk or cycle rather than driving, and perform manual work that keeps you healthy and fit for the best weight loss success.

4 - Preparation and Planning
Without planning, is there really any way for you to succeed? Just like it is unwise to leave on a journey without a map, no weight loss effort should ever be put into motion without the proper amount of planning and preparation. This will apply to planning your approach as well as planning out the details, planning your diet plan and what you will eat for good nutrition, and also how you will exercise and get physical activity for overall wellness. The more you plan, the better off you will be when you actually put everything into motion.

5 - Good Nutrition
Clean your diet up, end of story! Add more vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, healthy fats and water into your diet. Minimize how many packaged products you buy, as well as products that do not fall into the categories mentioned above. Experiment with different foods and really get a feel for what you like, as well as what is good for you. If you improve the quality of the foods in your diet, you should begin to realize a great amount of weight loss automatically.